Jinwoo Kim

Ph.D. Candidate
Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea

About Me

I am a Ph.D. candidate at Yonsei University, advised by Professor Sanghoon Lee.
My recent interests include computer vision, machine learning, image/video processing, and 3D synthesis.

For more check out my CV and contact me by e-mail.

Thanks for visiting!


[Mar. 2022] I presented our work at CVPR'22 confenrece.
[Aug. 2020] I presented our work at KCCV'20 conference.
[Oct. 2019] I presented our work at ICCV'19 conference.
[Sep. 2018] I presented our work at ECCV'18 conference.
[Jul. 2018] I got Certificate of Appreciation for International Standandard (IEEE-SA WG P3333.1)
[Mar. 2018] VRSP won IEEE QoMEX Best Student Paper Award



A Brand New Dance Partner:Music-Conditioned Pluralistic Dancing Controlled by Multiple Dance Genres
Jinwoo Kim, H. Oh, S. Kim, H. Tong and S. Lee
accepted at CVPR 2022
[Paper] [Project]

A Deep Cybersickness Predictor based on Brain Signal Analysis for Virtual Reality Content
Jinwoo Kim, W. Kim, H. Oh and S. Lee
accepted at ICCV 2019

Deep Video Quality Assessor:From Spatio-temporal Visual Sensitivity to A Convolutional Neural Aggregation Network
W. Kim, J. Kim, S. Ahn, Jinwoo Kim and S. Lee
accepted at ECCV 2018
[Paper] [Project]


Deep Transformer based Video Inpainting Empowered by Fast Fourier Tokenization
Jinwoo Kim, H. Oh and S. Lee
Under-review at IEEE TIP, IF 10.856

Progressive Contextual Aggregation Empowered by Pixel-wise Dense Detector for Image Inpainting
Jinwoo Kim, H. Oh and S. Lee
Minor-revision at IEEE TIP, IF 10.856

A Deep Motion Sickness Predictor Induced by Visual Stimuli in Virtual Reality
Jinwoo Kim, H. Oh, W. Kim, S. Choi, W. Son and S. Lee
Accepted at IEEE TNNLS, IF 10.451

Enhancement of Visual Comfort and Sense of Presence on Stereoscopic 3D Images
H. Oh, J. Kim, Jinwoo Kim, T. Kim, S. Lee and A. C. Bovik
Accepted at IEEE TIP, IF 4.828